Another year

Created by Malcolm 2 years ago
It was four years ago that mum died. I will always remember her last day at hospital i sat with her in the afternoon she struggling for air. Later  a nurse came in and said i had done all that i could and to say goodbye. At home around nine pm a phone call said i should go to the hospital. I arrived Fifteen minutes later to be told mum had passed, i went into her room lights were low  the window open mum laying at peace. As i looked at her her right eye was just open a little, i did laugh saying even at rest she was keeping an eye on me. I kissed her good buy, as i left a call from a dear friend asked how things were i said mum had gone. She wanted to come and collect me but said my car was there. She asked to go to the restaurant she was eating with friends. People i worked with, we sat down and had just one drink in memory of mum knowing that she would after forty years be with my dad. Bless them both always in my thoughts.
